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Why U.N. plans for world government must be stopped
Why U.N. plans for world government must be stopped
Price: $30.00

Quantity in Stock:27

Product Code: EIRSP-1993-002-00-000

See our excerpt from the introduction to this Special Report, published in EIR under the title U.N. newspeak turns true ideals into lies: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1993/eirv20n22-19930604/eirv20n22-19930604_026-un_newspeak_turns_true_ideals_in.pdf

Pages: 254
Height (inches): 10.8750
Width (inches): 8.2500
Depth (inches): 0.5625
Weight (pounds): 1.31875 with packaging: 1.45