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White Paper on the Panama crisis: Who's out to destabilize the U.S. ally, and why (1986)
report cover
Price: $50.00

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Product Code: EIRSP-1986-1-0-0-STD


"EIR has commissioned this White Paper to bring the truth on the developing Panama crisis to American citizens and lawmakers, so that decisive action can be taken to stop this campaign, before the United States faces a new strategic crisis on its southern flank."

While the New York Times and other major media pump out "news" on Panama to fit these plans, North Carolina's Sen. Jesse Helms, the U. S. State Department, and sections of the Reagan administration have joined in a campaign to overthrow Panama's government and Defense Forces, allegedly because they have been taken over by the narcotics trade. Therefore, the United States must bring to power Panama's "democratic opposition" movement.

As this report shows, the principal figures in the "democratic opposition" movement are drug-money launderers, lawyers for cocaine and marijuana traffickers, terrorists, and gun-runners. Their presidential candidate, Arnulfo Arias Madrid, is a life-long Nazi.

The report includes:

  • A "Who's Who" in the drug mob's campaign to overthrow Panama's government;
  • The facts on how "conservative" Jesse Helms has joined with State Department one-worlders to implement a destabilization campaign designed by the U.S. Liberal Eastern Establishment;
  • How David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission and the New York Council on Foreign Relations created the "off-shore" banking center in Panama, to handle their debt-and-drug looting of South America; .
  • Proposals on how the United States can help secure Panama, through a sertes of Canal-centered development projects, which break Panama's economic dependence on the "off-shore" economy run by the international banking cartel.

Date: June 1986
Pages: 96
Height (inches): 10.8750
Width (inches): 8.2500
Depth (inches): 0.3125
Weight (pounds): 0.52500 without packaging