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Did you know that:
Aaron Burr was not the romantic rebel of modern popular fiction, but a spy for the British and the Swiss opponents of the American Revolution?
The Secretary of the Treasury of the United States in 1801-1813 was a Swiss nobleman sent here to direct a foreign takeover of the U.S. financial system?
The traditional "First Families" of Boston made their fortunes exclusively in such criminal activities as drug-pushing, in collaboration with foreign powers at war against the United States?
That's just the beginning of the story of the treacherous Fifth Column subverting the United States, exposed in this book.
This expanded second edition documents in the words of the perpetrators themselves, their continuing campaign to eliminate the American Republic. The story is now carried into the 20th century, naming the names of those who are responsible for the near-collapse of America's moral authority as a republican nation and of her influence as a world power today.