by Helga
LaRouche (Author), Lyndon
LaRouche (Author), & 5 more
Play Books epub:
Ehricke, who died in December 1984, made major contributions to the
U.S. space program and laid the foundation for man’s coming
industrialization of the Moon and civilizing of the solar system.
This book presents the proceedings of an extraordinary conference
held June 15-16, 1985 in Reston, Virginia, in memory of space
scientist Krafft A. Ehricke. The Fusion Energy Foundation and the
Schiller Institute convened the conference to bring together a group
of international military, scientific, diplomatic, and community
leaders who would take responsibility for solving the profound crisis
gripping the world. Titled “The Age of Reason, in a World of
Mutually Assured Survival and Space Colonization,” the conference
discussed scientific breakthroughs in the beam defense program and
the classical scientific method that led to these breakthroughs.Like
Krafft Ehricke, the participants shared a cultural optimism that
insists that today’s strategic crisis can be overcome. Proposed was
an international crash program approach to rescue mankind from
disaster by lifting the eyes of the world to the stars--using a
successful beam defense program as a first step along the way to
industrializing and colonizing the Moon and Mars.
Amazon Paperback: 387
Publisher: Independently
published (August 11, 2019). Originally published by the New Benjamin Franklin House, New York, 1985
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1086252276
ISBN-13: 978-1086252279
Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.9 x 8.5 inches
Weight: 1.3 pounds