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Global Warming' Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science
Global Warming' Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science

Price: $100.00

Product Code: EIRSP-2015-1-0-0-STD

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Exactly 70 years after the end of the Nazi dictatorship,
preparations are underway— largely unnoticed or misinterpreted
by unsuspecting contemporaries—for the
establishment of a fascist world government which
would exceed Hitler’s most audacious dreams. In place
of the discredited doctrine of eugenics, which provided
the pretense then for the elimination of so-called “inferior
races,” today it is the swindle of alleged anthropogenic
climate change which supplies the argumentation
to establish a global eco-dictatorship whose results, and
whose declared intention is to eliminate six billion
human beings—if it is not stopped.

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